Exactly as medical science works, Yagya too has has 2 directions of working. Your problem or desire has both requirements: Prevent and Cure. Prevention means there needs to be taken care that no further problems or obstacles arrive by your changing future planetary positions or simply due to your bad karma of your tomorrow which keeps adding in your store of karma. You do Yagya for prevention only to take care that the problems don't get bigger or no new problems arrive. This we call Yagya for prevention. Your Yagya doesn't necessarily have prevention too. Some Yagyas are for prevention and some are for cure. Generally we do separate Yagyas for prevention and cure (in case of standard Yagyas) but many High Capacity Yagyas have both included, however not all. The Yagya Advisers are supposed to recommend Yagya for prevention as well but you also make sure you do them.
When we say Yagya for cure, we mean to heal your present problem that is the result of several years' bad karma or planetary, humane or destiny troubles. Doing these Yagyas means you are curing your present problems (but not the future problems). For example for health, doing Yagya for cure means you will start to recover but only doing this Yagya can't prevent new problems so we do Yagya for prevention of new problems or for life protection. In other words Yagyas for prevention keep you alive and Yagyas for cure help you recovery in case of health problems. How prevention Yagya doesn't include the facility of cure so the cure Yagya doesn't have facility of prevention. So don't ignore any of them unless you have got a HC Yagya combined with both.
Standard Yagyas start working for prevention and cure after 60 days of completion. If your Yagya hasn't completed, the result can also not be awaited.
In case of High Capacity Yagyas the prevention part starts right on the very first day. The cure part however takes some time to attract results. This time may be days, weeks, months and even year, read further how.
$1 Guarantee
First of all, Yagya is not a commercial stuffs to have commercial guarantee. We do Yagya at your cost and at your risk exactly like a doctor does. We try to heal you and your problems but at the same time we have disclaimed that we don't undertake or promise anything at all by the Yagya. By ordering Yagya you have declared to read and agreed to all our terms and conditions and disclaimers. Nevertheless we have great trust in Yagya and our accurate performance which in turn leads to benefits. This is scripted in Vedic Scriptures, experienced by us and confirmed by the feedback of our clients in last 23 years. On basis of this confidence we guarantee to perform accurate Yagy and attract results. When we say $1 Guarantee on High Capacity Yagyas. This means:
- We guarantee an error-free performance of High Capacity Yagya
- We guarantee that a partial or full outcome will follow with-in 3 years of a High Capacity Yagya.
When no result at all has been seen, we will undertake the same Yagya for $1. However this policy may easily abused to get a Yagya of thousands of Dollars getting done for free of cost. To prevent such abuse we have certain conditions in place which you must fulfill before your claim to have a free Yagya gets approved.
Conditions for $1 Guarantee
1. You have paid all Yagya Amounts fully and punctually. When you fail your first timely payment, this $1 Guarantee is void.
2. Your claim must not refer to any other problems except those mentioned in our Yagya Booking Email.
3. You need to prove with help of documents and chronological description and evidences that you have done your efforts fully. When you didn't do enough or right efforts you can't make us pay for your faults.
4. You also need to describe what was expected by the Yagya and what has been the results. You need to provide substantial evidences in your support.
6. When you have benefited partially by Yagya you can't claim a repeat. It simply means that Yagya has worked and you need to repeat them for more results.
5. The claim must be started after 1 year and with-in 1.5 years after Yagya has been started.
How to start a claim
1. The first step is to check our page: Yagya Effects. This page will answer your general queries as to how, when and what to expect by a Yagya.
2. When you conclude that Yagya didn't work at all and you qualify for $1 Guarantee, please start a claim procedure. This is not done on telephone but only by correspondence. Before starting this claim please make sure that your guarantee is not void and you qualify for this $1 Guarantee. In That case please write to Ved Bhawan India if you are Indian client and to Ved Bhawan Inc USA if you are international client. Please send your detailed descriptions and evidence material by post to: Ved Bhawan Inc. 244 5th Avenue, New York 10001 NY, United States of America. We usually take 6 weeks to investigate and decide on your claim. This period is excluded eventual delays in providing evidences and information and the time taken in post from your side. The post takes usually 4 weeks extra. Once we conclude that your claim is genuine we will approve your claim and inform you about the repetition of Yagya. Please note that a claim without description and evidence is never taken in to consideration.
Need help?
When you have questions or need help in filing claims, the best way is to come on our website and chat free of cost with our support executives. Just sending an email or calling your Yagya Advisers will not help you because they are not meant for this purpose.